The historical mining car known as the Scoop Car, is constructed of almost all steel except for the wheels which are made of heavy plastic
El Paso Car
This is the El Paso mining car used years ago, it's sitting on a 7.5 gauge track (Not Included) the Hopper is 20-3/4" X 11" X 11" and made from 16 gauge steel except for the bottom and the rest of the car is 11 Gauge, the total height of the car from the track to the top of the hopper is 20" Length is 22" width id 11" the total weight is 42 pounds. I left the car unpainted incase you just want to weather it so in looks original and to show more how it's built. Wheels are constructed of a Phenolic resin compound with macerated fabric, the thread diameter is 5-1/4".